What do you know about the different types of CBD? 

CBD isolate is a crystalline solid or powder that contains 99% pure CBD. A traditional extraction process removes all the active compounds from the cannabis plant, followed by a refinement process that strips away all other phytocannabinoids, including THC, and any plant matter, leaving behind nothing but the CBD chemical compound in its purest form. Depending on the process, the resulting product is either large CBD crystals or a fine white powder that resembles confectioner’s sugar. While there may be a slight residual cherry flavor, neither form of CBD isolate should contain a distinct odor or taste. But don’t be fooled by its dull demeanor — there are actually a number of reasons to get excited about CBD isolate and all that it has to offer. 

Benefits of CBD Isolate

CBD Isolate crystalline is surprisingly versatile when it comes to consumption, and there are a number of benefits to using this pure powdered form over the other forms of CBD. 

99.9% THC Free

CBD isolates consist of nothing but pure CBD, so there’s no need to worry about THC possibly entering your system and showing up on a potential drug test.

Easier to Dose

It’s also incredibly easy to measure CBD isolate dosages, as there’s nothing else to account for aside from the pure CBD crystals. With other CBD-based products, such as broad-spectrum and full-spectrum CBD oil, the cannabinoid is mixed with other ingredients, making it more difficult to quantify the exact amount of CBD that is being consumed. 

Many Modes of Consumption

As we’ll discuss in detail below under How to Use CBD Isolates, another clear-cut advantage is the many inventive ways CBD isolate can be prepared for use. Whether it’s administered sublingually or mixed with food and drinks or made into a cream this crystalline powdered CBD works well in a variety of consumption methods.